Flower Photos #7, June 27, 2006

    More photos from the garden.  Hopefully these are new and different.  Take a look.

Rose buds detail.

Nice spray of perennial bud and blooms leaning over a carpet of ground cover.

Green tomatoes hang like alien pods.

Some red starts to show.  I have to almost climb into the tomato bush to get this photo.

These blooms were a long time in coming.  This plant was purchased years ago and was planted in a pot because we were unsure where to plant it.  It did not do well until now, Trumpet Vine.  Its easy to grow and climbs fast.

Mini rose bud detail.

Hydrangea bloom detail.

Another angle on the Hydrangea blooms.

It's July and the heat is on.  Temperatures are well over 100 degrees F.  The plants get extra water and have to suffer, the heat is hard on the blooms especially.  The tomatoes love heat.  We have more tomatoes than we need from our one plant that is staked and grown over 7 feet tall.
