My mother planted a geranium in my backyard two years ago. This healthy plant has very nice foliage and a tremendous profusion of blooms. The color is quite pleasing. Thank you mother.
Our neighbor has many of these big sunflowers. We can see most of them because this is a tall plant. And very beautiful. Thank you neighbor.
In my mother's yard there are very often beautiful blooms. She reminds me to snap a few shots. I print them out for her to display in her home. She enjoys displaying them and I take enjoyment from the fact that they are worthy of display, not this particular one, but some others.
I take many shots of this large plant. There are many blooms and I try flash, no flash, close ups, low angles, high angles, no angle...this is the only decent shot. The dark, shiny foliage is almost visible.
This is a collection of roses cut from our backyard. Some of these are first year and some are second year roses. Most planted from bare root. From top center and going clockwise: Taboo (dark red), JFK (white), Arizona, Buttercream (yellow), Peace, unidentified purple (planted by the previous homeowner), Tournament of Roses. Hidden behind Taboo is a rose from a prodigious climber in our front yard. Another rose planted by the previous owner with many blooms and a nice habit of color changing blooms, from pink to yellow.
Experimenting with exposure compensation of -1 results in a more pleasing image. The highlights are more detailed. That is the bright areas of the photo are not overexposed. I cropped this image and did not do any other post processing. Hope you like it.